DateCam VisitorsCar VisitorsCam ReloadsCar ReloadsHitsUnique HostsMost Frequent Host
01/Jan/2001 29 4 69 13
02/Jan/2001 26 6 143 49
03/Jan/2001 42 4 253 9
04/Jan/2001 28 6 116 10
05/Jan/2001 34 5 157 4
06/Jan/2001 24 3 146 13 36412063.64.43.144
07/Jan/2001 26 4 116 7
08/Jan/2001 29 8 653 24 988113207.123.93.68
09/Jan/2001 24 4 384 11
10/Jan/2001 5 2 47 0
Jan/2001 675 148 5720 1928

Statistics Information

Cam Visitors: The total number of times the main cam page was loaded.

Car Visitors: The total number of times the main car page was loaded.

Cam Reloads: The total number of times the Primary cam image was refreshed.

Car Reloads: The total number of times the Primary car image was refreshed.

Hits: The total number of hits on the website covering all html pages and images.

Unique Hosts: The total number of unique hosts which accessed a page.

To determine the average number of times each person visited the pages, divide the total number of visitors (cam and car) by the number of unique hosts. Typically the average person will visit the site once per day.

To determine the number of regulars, perform the same calculation for the monthly totals. If the ratio between the two values on the monthly line is around 30, that means that the site is only visited by regulars and doesn't pick up any new users. If the value is near 1, that means the site is visited mainly by new users and has very few regulars. Realize that this figure will be scewed since regulars could be using dialup connections that change the ip with each call.

Another ratio to examine is the number of reloads verses the number of visitors. This shows on average how long the average visitor stays on the site. With the current monthly totals for September, the average visitor let the cam reload almost 14 times before leaving, which means the average visit lasted approximately 2 1/2 minutes.