/* This is the server program to control the power switch. It will be activated by any TCP/IP client program with the appropriate commands, "ON" and "OFF". Several stages are designed for this process. Stage 1: Just get it working. Have a client send the ON and OFF commands and activate or deactivate the switch accordingly. : DONE Stage 2: Put in a timer to automatically turn off the switch after a certain specified time frame, probably 5 minutes, to prevent excessive power consumption. : DONE Stage 3: Built a better circut. Each parallel port can control 8 switches. Actually, each port CAN support 12, but the more conventional method is to use the 8 data ports. Each switch requires a resistor, a transistor, a diode, and a relay. The part total for each switch is approximately $15. Stage 4: Build a circut which can apply variable voltage, controlled by the parallel port. This will be necessary for controlling a remote control mechanism for an RC car, which is the next big project. NOTE: You have to be root to run this server, or otherwise have permissions to directly access the parallel port. This server has now been modified to operate a stepper motor. It relies on knowing the current state of the parallel port, and therefore is controlled by the same process as the light is. Motor control is a bit more complicated. The stepper motor in use was obtained from a discarded floppy drive. Each "step" turns the shaft 1.8 degrees. The motor turns by applying voltage to different contacts on the motor in a specific order, and the reverse order will turn the shaft in the other direction. An additional constraint is that the motor must not be allowed to move beyond upper and lower bounds. Although the motor can handle infinite turns in any direction, the camera mounted to it is connected by a cable and the rotation bounds must be limited to prevent the cable from getting wrapped around the shaft. A 90-180 degree total field of vision should be adequate for any camera located on or near a wall. If you're banging your head over how to successfully wire the stepper motor to work properly with my code, you may wish to reorganize the code. I have the numbers out of sequence because I have the stepper motor contacts wired out of sequence and I adjusted the program to match it. When I move off of the breadboard and onto a more permanant PC board, I will rewire everything correctly and fix the program then. To step the motor, it is important to know which contact was tapped previously, unless a minimum of 7.2 degree turns is desired (in which case all 4 contacts can be tapped in one command). The motor, since it can be moved manually, should be calibrated each time the server starts or any time the motor is moved inadvertantly. A simple calibration will be for the user to manually point the camera at the center of the bounded region, then send a command to set the currentstep value accordingly. The calibration command can come from the client or the server as an argument when it starts up. Right now the program simply assumes that the camera is positioned in the centre of the field of vision and sets the currentstep value at the midpoint. This program has now been modified to operate a remote control car. I accomplished this by wiring relays to the remote control unit of the car. These relays are controlled the same way the lamp relay is. This project consumed an additional 4 transistors. Please send any relavent comments, suggestions, complaints, but no spam to restil@alignment.net. This code works for me. I claim nothing more. Especially if you are somewhat new to interfacing electronics with the computer, try to use a computer that you can afford to damage. I use a 486/66 that I got for $30. Its adaquate for this project, and with networking, I don't have to put my primary servers in any danger. You are free to modify, redistribute, sell, whatever this code. If you make useful changes, feel free to update me with those changes, I'd appreciate it. Now modded to include commands to operate the X10 stuff. This program will keep track of the time limits, as well has have different time limits for those devices, AND the lamp. Now we get 3 minutes for teh internet peeps and longer durations for local selections. New remake of this program: Use configuration files for all devices. New multithreaded environment for handling longer lasting actions. Return status data from all commands, saving a second call for status data. Redirect option to send a signal to another server for other housecodes. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* all this data will be definied in config files, although defaults remain */ #define base 0x378 #define base2 0x278 #define VERYSLOW 100000 #define SLOW 200000 #define MEDIUM 200000 #define FAST 300000 #define DATA "You got it from me" child_handler(int arg) { int status; wait(&status); } pipecleaner(int arg) { } struct waitqueue { char host[20]; int priority; //0 is lowest long starttime; // time entered the queue long lastupdate; // time of the last heartbeat check struct waitqueue *next; }; struct rccareventqueue { char host[20]; int type; //0 - power, 1 - turn int direction; // f/b, or 0,1,2 (left, right, center) int speed; struct rccareventqueue *next; }; struct x10eventqueue { char host[20]; char buf[256]; struct x10eventqueue *next; }; struct switchdata { char name[20]; int port; int status; int switchbase; int control; int counter; int watts; // watts used by this appliance. int stateposition; // position in the state variable // timechecks int timeout; int startstatus; // State the device is at midnight long times[5]; // toggle availability at these times int maxsecs; // maximum minutes per day int timeused; // seconds used so far today. int lock; // is this locked? char lockhost[20]; // Who holds the lock? long lockexp; // When does the lock expire? char relayhost[30]; // relay host int relayport; // relay port struct waitqueue *wq; }; struct sdlink { struct switchdata sd; struct sdlink *next; }; struct motordata { char name[20]; int sequence[4]; int numsequence; int motorbase; int currentstep; int lastcontact; int control; int lock; // is this locked? char lockhost[20]; // Who holds the lock? long lockexp; // When does the lock expire? char relayhost[30]; // relay host int relayport; // relay port struct waitqueue *wq; }; struct mdlink { struct motordata md; struct mdlink *next; }; struct rccardata { char name[20]; int commonport; int forwardport; int backwardport; int leftport; int rightport; int timeout; int carbase; int lock; // is this locked? char lockhost[20]; // Who holds the lock? long lockexp; // When does the lock expire? long heartbeat; int nudgef; // time in microseconds to delay int nudgeb; int pushf; int pushb; int wstatus; long wcounter; int control; char relayhost[30]; // relay host int relayport; // relay port struct waitqueue *wq; struct rccareventqueue *eq; }; struct X10data { int state; int limit; int counter; int timeused; int remotetimeout; int localtimeout; int watts; int stateposition; // position in the state variable int startstatus; // State the device is at midnight int type; // 1 - br, 2 - ppower long times[5]; // toggle availability at these times int maxsecs; // maximum minutes per day int lock; // is this locked? char lockhost[20]; // Who holds the lock? long lockexp; // When does the lock expire? int control; // does this server control this module? char relayhost[30]; // relay host int relayport; // relay port int relayhouse; // housecode to relay this module to. struct waitqueue *wq; }; struct bandata { char host[20]; long banexp; // When does this ban expire? struct bandata *next; }; struct banwatch { char host[20]; int count; // number of hits long timestamp; // last time something happened }; int pipes[2]; struct sdlink *switches; struct mdlink *motors; struct X10data X10mods[17][17]; struct x10eventqueue *x10eq; int X10state[17]; int X10limit[17]; int X10counter[17]; int steps[4]; // sequence for stepper motor data pins int listenport; int bancheck; // do we record/check for bans? int togglemax; // max number of toggles before a ban int banhours; // number of hours to enact a ban for. int bandeduct; // number of seconds between one point reductions. float kwhcost; // power cost per kwh long lastbanupdate; int locks[5]; // Seconds that locks last for each tier; unsigned char state; unsigned char state2; struct banwatch banwatchlist[200]; struct bandata *bans; int ifbanned(char *host) { struct bandata *temp; temp = bans; while(temp != NULL) { if(strcmp(temp->host,host) == 0) return(1); temp = temp->next; } return(0); } int bancheckfunc(struct banwatch *banwatchlist, char *host) { int x,y,z; long timestamp; int tsmark; if(ifbanned(host)) return(1); // check for an open space, otherwise get the oldest timestamp; timestamp = time(NULL); tsmark = 0; for(z=0;z<200;z++) { if(strcmp(banwatchlist[z].host,host) == 0) { banwatchlist[z].count++; if(banwatchlist[z].count > togglemax) addban(host); } } for(z=0;z<200;z++) { if(banwatchlist[z].host[0] == 0 || banwatchlist[z].count == 0) { strcpy(banwatchlist[z].host,host); banwatchlist[z].count=1; banwatchlist[z].timestamp = time(NULL); return(0); } if(banwatchlist[z].timestamp < banwatchlist[tsmark].timestamp) tsmark = z; } strcpy(banwatchlist[tsmark].host,host); banwatchlist[z].count=1; banwatchlist[z].timestamp = time(NULL); return(0); } int addban(char *host) { int x,y,z; long timestamp; int tsmark; struct bandata *holder; struct bandata *temp; holder = malloc(sizeof *holder); strcpy(holder->host,host); holder->banexp = time(NULL) + banhours * (60*60*24); holder->next=NULL; if(bans==NULL) { bans=holder; } else { temp=bans; while(temp->next != NULL) temp = temp->next; temp->next = holder; } } deletebans() { struct bandata *holder; struct bandata *temp; int x,y,z; if(time(NULL) > lastbanupdate + bandeduct) { lastbanupdate = time(NULL); for(z=0;z<200;z++) { if(banwatchlist[z].count > 0) banwatchlist[z].count--; } } while(bans != NULL) { holder = bans; if(holder->banexp < time(NULL)) { bans = holder->next; free(holder); } else return(0); } } // This function will take the base value and return the pointer to the // correct state variable unsigned char *getstatevar(int basevar) { if(basevar == base) return(&state); if(basevar == base2) return(&state2); } int rccardequeue(struct rccardata *rccar) { struct rccareventqueue *temp; temp = rccar->eq; if(temp == NULL) { return(0); } printf("Dequeueing car command: %d %d %d\n",temp->type, temp->speed, temp->direction); rccar->eq = rccar->eq->next; rccar->heartbeat = time(NULL); if(temp->type == 0) power(temp->speed,temp->direction, rccar, getstatevar(rccar->carbase)); else if(temp->type == 1) turn(temp->direction, rccar, getstatevar(rccar->carbase)); else powerturn(temp->direction >> 2, temp->direction & 3, temp->speed, rccar); free(temp); } int rccarenqueue(int type, int speed, int direction, char *host, struct rccardata *rccar) { struct rccareventqueue *temp; struct rccareventqueue *holder; // First, check to see if the car is locked. If so, add to the queue. if(rccar->lock && strcmp(rccar->lockhost,host) != 0) { printf("Car is currently locked by .%s. %s is being added to the waitqueue.\n",rccar->lockhost,host); rccarwaitenqueue(host,rccar); return(1); } holder = malloc(sizeof *holder); strcpy(holder->host,host); holder->type = type; holder->speed = speed; holder->direction = direction; holder->next = NULL; temp = rccar->eq; if(temp == NULL) rccar->eq = holder; else { if(strcmp(host,temp->host) == 0 && strcmp(host,"") != 0) { free(holder); return(0); } while(temp->next != NULL) { if(strcmp(host,temp->host) == 0 && strcmp(host,"") != 0) { free(holder); return(0); } } temp = temp->next; temp->next = holder; } return(0); } /* This function adds a specific host to a wait queue. When the rccar is locked, the waitqueue will hold a list of users waiting. When a lock expires, the next host on the queue receives the lock. Feedback to the client will permit them to start playing. */ int rccarwaitenqueue(char *host, struct rccardata *rccar) { struct waitqueue *temp; struct waitqueue *holder; holder = malloc(sizeof *holder); strcpy(holder->host,host); holder->priority = 0; holder->lastupdate = time(NULL); time(&holder->starttime); holder->next = NULL; temp = rccar->wq; if(temp == NULL) rccar->wq = holder; else { // already on the queue? They will just reassume previous position. if(strcmp(host,temp->host) == 0 && strcmp(host,"") != 0) { free(holder); return(1); } while(temp->next != NULL) { temp = temp->next; if(strcmp(host,temp->host) == 0 && strcmp(host,"") != 0) { free(holder); return(1); } } temp->next = holder; } return(1); } /* This function removes the first entry from the waitqueue and sets the lock for the selected host. The expiration time it set for 5 minutes after current time. Lock is set at the time of dequeue. */ int rccarwaitdequeue(struct rccardata *rccar) { struct waitqueue *temp; int lastupdate; while(1) { temp = rccar->wq; if(temp == NULL) { rccar->lock = 0; return(0); } rccar->lock = 1; rccar->wq = rccar->wq->next; strcpy(rccar->lockhost,temp->host); rccar->lockexp = time(NULL) + 5*60; rccar->heartbeat = time(NULL); lastupdate = temp->lastupdate; free(temp); if(lastupdate > time(NULL) - 60) break; } } int x10dequeue(int *insanity, int inslamp) { struct x10eventqueue *temp; //printf("Dequeuing x10.\n"); temp = x10eq; if(temp == NULL) { return(0); } x10eq = x10eq->next; //printf("buffer: %s\n",temp->buf); if(strncmp(temp->buf,"X10ON",5) == 0) { x10lampon(temp->buf,insanity,inslamp); } if(strncmp(temp->buf,"X10OF",5) == 0) { x10lampoff(temp->buf); } free(temp); } int x10enqueue(char *buf, char *host) { struct x10eventqueue *temp; struct x10eventqueue *holder; int hostcount; //how many entires does this host have in the queue? //printf("Enquing x10\n"); /* if(bancheck) bancheckfunc(banwatchlist, host); */ hostcount=0; holder = malloc(sizeof *holder); strcpy(holder->buf,buf); strcpy(holder->host,host); holder->next = NULL; temp = x10eq; if(temp == NULL) x10eq = holder; else { if(strcmp(buf,temp->buf) == 0) // already in the queue? { free(holder); return(0); } while(temp->next != NULL) { if(strcmp(buf,temp->buf) == 0) // command already in the queue? { free(holder); return(0); } if(strcmp(temp->host,host) == 0) // host already in queue. hostcount++; if(hostcount > 3) { free(holder); return(0); } temp = temp->next; } temp->next = holder; } //printf("done enquing.\n"); } /* isavailable This function takes the starting availability at midnight and a list of times in minutes from midnight. Figure out if the device is currently available. 0 for a time value means its the last of the list. */ int isavailable(int start, long *times) { int mins; int x,y,z; long t; struct tm *tim; //First, get the time now and convert it into minutes from midnight. time(&t); tim = localtime(&t); mins = tim->tm_hour*60 + tim->tm_min; // now find out what the current availability is x = start; for(z=0;z<5;z++) { if(times[z] == 0) break; if(times[z] <= mins) x = !x; } return(x); } //int lampon(int portnum, int *status, long *counter, int *state, int *insanity, int inslamp) int lampon(struct switchdata *sd, int *state, int *insanity, int inslamp) { char s[256]; int x; x = 1 << sd->port; // First, check to see that the lamp is currently off. if(sd->status == 1) return(-1); // Next, check to see if the lamp is currently available if(!isavailable(sd->startstatus,sd->times)) return(-1); // Next, see if the lamp is used up yet if(sd->timeused > sd->maxsecs) return(-1); if(ioperm(sd->switchbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", sd->switchbase), exit(1); else { sd->status=1; sd->counter = time(NULL); sprintf(s,"ON"); *state = *state | x; outb(*state, sd->switchbase); *insanity = *insanity + (inslamp*3); printf("insanity: %d\n",*insanity); } } x10lampon(char *buf, int *insanity, int inslamp) { int unit; char house; int housenum; int timelimit; time_t lt; struct tm *tim; char s[256]; printf("turning on X10 unit.\n"); /* Let there be LIGHT!!! */ house = buf[6]; housenum = house - 'A'; unit = atoi(&buf[7]); lt = time(NULL); tim = localtime(<); // First, check to see that the lamp is currently off. if(X10mods[housenum][unit].state == 1) return(-1); // Next, check to see if the lamp is currently available if(!isavailable(X10mods[housenum][unit].startstatus,X10mods[housenum][unit].times)) return(-1); // Next, see if the lamp is used up yet if(X10mods[housenum][unit].timeused > X10mods[housenum][unit].maxsecs) return(-1); if(unit != 10 || tim->tm_hour >= 6) { X10mods[housenum][unit].counter = time(NULL); timelimit=atoi(&buf[10]); printf("Timelimit: %d\n",timelimit); if(timelimit == -1) { if(X10mods[housenum][unit].state == 0) X10mods[housenum][unit].limit = 60; } else if(timelimit == -2) { X10mods[housenum][unit].limit = 1; } else { X10mods[housenum][unit].limit = timelimit; if(!X10mods[housenum][unit].state) { sprintf(s,"/home/pjm/br %c%d on",house,unit); system(s); } *insanity = (inslamp) + *insanity; printf("insanity: %d\n",insanity); } X10mods[housenum][unit].state = 1; } } x10lampon2(int house, int unit, int *insanity, int inslamp) { char buf[256]; int x,y,z; sprintf(buf,"XXXXXX%c%d",house + 'A', unit); x10lampon(buf,insanity,inslamp); } x10lampoff(char *buf) { int unit; char house; int housenum; int timelimit; char s[256]; printf("turning off X10 unit.\n"); // turn it off house = buf[6]; housenum = house - 'A'; unit = atoi(&buf[7]); timelimit=atoi(&buf[10]); X10mods[housenum][unit].limit = 0; if(timelimit != -1 && X10mods[housenum][unit].state) { sprintf(s,"/home/pjm/br %c%d off",house,unit); X10mods[housenum][unit].state = 0; system(s); } } x10lampoff2(int house, int unit) { char buf[256]; int x,y,z; sprintf(buf,"XXXXXX%c%d",house + 'A', unit); x10lampoff(buf); } int lampoff(struct switchdata *sd, int *state) { char s[256]; int x; long temp; x = 1 << sd->port; // First, make sure it's actually on, or we do nothing. if (sd->status == 0) return(-1); if (ioperm(sd->switchbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", sd->switchbase), exit(1); else { sd->status=0; sprintf(s,"OFF"); *state = *state & (255-x); outb(*state, sd->switchbase); // Increment the timeused variable temp = time(NULL) - sd->counter; sd->timeused = sd->timeused + temp; } } /* pan This function will pan a specified motor one step to the left or right depending on the value of direction. 1 = left, otherwise right. The override variable if 1 will not do bounds checking (for calibration) */ int pan(int direction,struct motordata *md, int *state,int override) { int hold; int x,y,z; x=0; printf("Current state: %d\n",*state); for(z=0;znumsequence;z++) { x = x + md->sequence[z]; } printf("X: %d\n",x); printf("Override = %d, direction = %d, currentstep = %d\n",override,direction,md->currentstep); if(!override && direction == 1 && md->currentstep < 0) // Left barrier return(0); if(!override && direction == 0 && md->currentstep > 70) // Right barrier return(0); printf("Still here.\n"); if (ioperm(md->motorbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", md->motorbase), exit(1); else { hold = md->lastcontact; if(direction == 1) // Left { md->lastcontact++; if(md->lastcontact > 3) md->lastcontact=0; md->currentstep--; } else { md->lastcontact--; if(md->lastcontact < 0) md->lastcontact=3; md->currentstep++; } *state = *state & 255-x; *state = *state | md->sequence[md->lastcontact] | md->sequence[hold]; printf("New state: %d\n",*state); outb(*state, md->motorbase); } } forwardon(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { printf("Forward on.\n"); if (ioperm(rccar->carbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", rccar->carbase), exit(1); else { *state2 = *state2 | rccar->forwardport; if(!rccar->wstatus) *state2 = *state2 | rccar->commonport; printf("State2 at TOF is: %d.\n",*state2); outb(*state2, rccar->carbase); } } forwardoff(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { printf("Forward off.\n"); if (ioperm(rccar->carbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", rccar->carbase), exit(1); else { *state2 = *state2 & (255 - rccar->forwardport); if(!rccar->wstatus) *state2 = *state2 & (255 - rccar->commonport); printf("State2 at TOF is: %d.\n",*state2); outb(*state2, rccar->carbase); } } backwardon(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { printf("Backward on.\n"); if (ioperm(rccar->carbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", rccar->carbase), exit(1); else { *state2 = *state2 | rccar->backwardport; if(!rccar->wstatus) *state2 = *state2 | rccar->commonport; printf("State2 at TOB is: %d.\n",*state2); outb(*state2, rccar->carbase); } } backwardoff(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { printf("Backward off.\n"); if (ioperm(rccar->carbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", rccar->carbase), exit(1); else { *state2 = *state2 & (255 - rccar->backwardport); if(!rccar->wstatus) *state2 = *state2 & (255 - rccar->commonport); printf("State2 at TOB is: %d.\n",*state2); outb(*state2, rccar->carbase); } } power(int speed, int direction, struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { printf("Power function. Direction = %d. speed = %d.\n",direction, speed); if(direction == 1) { backwardoff(rccar, state2); forwardon(rccar,state2); if(speed == 0) usleep(rccar->nudgef); else usleep(rccar->pushf); forwardoff(rccar,state2); sleep(1); } else { forwardoff(rccar,state2); backwardon(rccar, state2); if(speed == 0) usleep(rccar->nudgeb); else usleep(rccar->pushb); backwardoff(rccar,state2); sleep(1); } } turnonleft(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { if (ioperm(rccar->carbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", rccar->carbase), exit(1); else { /* Turn on left */ *state2 = *state2 | rccar->leftport | rccar->commonport; outb(*state2,rccar->carbase); } } turnoffleft(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { if (ioperm(rccar->carbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", rccar->carbase), exit(1); else { /* Turn on left */ *state2 = *state2 & (255 - (rccar->leftport + rccar->commonport)); outb(*state2,rccar->carbase); } } turnonright(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { if (ioperm(rccar->carbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", rccar->carbase), exit(1); else { *state2 = *state2 | rccar->rightport | rccar->commonport; outb(*state2,rccar->carbase); } } turnoffright(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { if (ioperm(rccar->carbase,1,1)) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the port at %x\n", rccar->carbase), exit(1); else { /* Turn on left */ *state2 = *state2 & (255 - (rccar->rightport + rccar->commonport)); outb(*state2,rccar->carbase); } } int getdirection(struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { if(*state2 & rccar->rightport) return(2); if(*state2 & rccar->leftport) return(1); return(0); } turn(int direction, struct rccardata *rccar, int *state2) { rccar->wcounter = time(NULL); if(direction == 1) // left { rccar->wstatus = 1; turnoffright(rccar,state2); turnonleft(rccar,state2); } else if(direction == 2) // right { rccar->wstatus = 1; turnoffleft(rccar,state2); turnonright(rccar,state2); } else // center { rccar->wstatus = 0; turnoffleft(rccar,state2); turnoffright(rccar,state2); } } int powerturn(int powerdirection, int movedirection, int speed, struct rccardata *rccar) { int savedirection; savedirection = getdirection(rccar, getstatevar(rccar->carbase)); turn(movedirection, rccar, getstatevar(rccar->carbase)); usleep(500000); power(speed, powerdirection, rccar, getstatevar(rccar->carbase)); turn(savedirection, rccar, getstatevar(rccar->carbase)); } int sockinit(int port) { struct sockaddr_in server; struct sockaddr_in client; int sock; int length; sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); printf("sock value is: %d\n",sock); if(sock < 0) { perror("Opening steram socket"); exit(1); } server.sin_family = AF_INET; server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; server.sin_port = htons((u_short )port); if (bind(sock, &server, sizeof(server))) { perror("binding stream socket"); exit(1); } length = sizeof (server); if(getsockname(sock, &server, &length)) { perror("getting socket name"); exit(1); } printf("Socket has port #%d\n",ntohs(server.sin_port)); listen(sock, 5); return(sock); } int getconnection(int sock) { int rval; struct sockaddr_in client; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; int retval; int size; int msgsock; size=sizeof (client); /* Set up select to check the socket for data. If none is available, continue on and perform other tasks. */ FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(sock,&rfds); /* Wait 1 second for data, then proceed with other stuff */ tv.tv_sec=1; tv.tv_usec=0; retval = select(11, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(retval) /* we got data */ { msgsock = accept(sock, &client,&size); if(msgsock == -1) { perror("accept"); return(-1); } else { // address_holder = (unsigned char *) &client.sin_addr.s_addr; // bzero(buf, sizeof(buf)); printf("About to read.\n"); FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(msgsock,&rfds); /* Wait 1 second for data, then proceed with other stuff */ tv.tv_sec=1; tv.tv_usec=0; retval = select(11, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if(retval <= 0) /* we got data */ { close(msgsock); return(-1); rval=0; } else return(msgsock); } } else return(-1); } int getcommand(int msgsock, char *buf, char *name, char *command, char *value, char *host) { int rval; int x,y,z; for(z=0;z<1024;z++) buf[z] = 0; if((rval = read(msgsock, buf, 1024)) < 0) { perror("Reading stream message"); close(msgsock); return(-1); } y = gettoken(0,buf,name); y = gettoken(y,buf,command); y = gettoken(y,buf,value); y = gettoken(y,buf,host); printf("rval is %d.\n",rval); printf("buf is: %s.\n",buf); } int gettoken(int pos, char *line, char *token) { int x,y,z; int size; z=pos; if(line[z] != 0) { while(line[z] == ' ') z++; x = z++; while(line[z] != ' ' && line[z] != 0) z++; y = z; size = y-x; if(size > 250) size=250; } else { size=0; x=0; } strncpy(token,&line[x],size); token[size] = 0; return(z); } initbasic() { listenport = 5201; bancheck = 0; togglemax = 500; banhours = 48; bandeduct = 60; kwhcost = 0.07; locks[0] = 60; locks[1] = 120; locks[2] = 300; locks[3] = 600; locks[4] = 1200; } initswitch(struct switchdata *sd) { int x,y,z; sd->status=0; sd->port = 0; sd->switchbase = base; sd->control = 1; sd->counter = 0; sd->watts = 60; sd->timeused = 0; sd->timeout = 3*60; sd->startstatus=1; sd->stateposition = 0; for(z=0;z<5;z++) sd->times[z] = 0; sd->maxsecs = 2000*60; strcpy(sd->name,""); strcpy(sd->relayhost,""); sd->relayport = 5201; sd->wq = NULL; } motorinit(struct motordata *md) { int x,y,z; for(z=0;z<4;z++) md->sequence[z] = 1 << z; md->numsequence = 4; md->motorbase = base; md->currentstep = 25; md->lastcontact = -1; md->control = 1; strcpy(md->name,""); strcpy(md->relayhost,""); md->relayport = 0; md->wq = NULL; } addswitch(struct switchdata sd) { struct sdlink *temp; struct sdlink *temp2; temp = malloc(sizeof *temp); memcpy(&(temp->sd),&sd,sizeof sd); temp->next = NULL; if(switches == NULL) switches = temp; else { temp2 = switches; while(temp2->next != NULL) temp2 = temp2->next; temp2->next = temp; } } addmotor(struct motordata md) { struct mdlink *temp; struct mdlink *temp2; temp = malloc(sizeof *temp); memcpy(&(temp->md),&md,sizeof md); temp->next = NULL; if(motors == NULL) motors = temp; else { temp2 = motors; while(temp2->next != NULL) temp2 = temp2->next; temp2->next = temp; } } int x10init(struct X10data *x10d) { int x,y,z; x10d->state = 0; x10d->limit = 0; x10d->counter = 0; x10d->timeused = 0; x10d->watts = 60; x10d->remotetimeout = 3*60; x10d->localtimeout = 60*60; x10d->startstatus = 1; x10d->type = 1; x10d->stateposition = 0; for(z=0;z<5;z++) x10d->times[z] = 0; x10d->maxsecs = 2000 * 60; x10d->control = 1; strcpy(x10d->relayhost,""); x10d->relayport = 0; x10d->relayhouse = 0; x10d->wq = NULL; } printconfig() { struct sdlink *temp; printf("This is a display of the data currently in memory. \n\n"); // First the switches. temp = switches; while(temp != NULL) { printf("[Switch]\n"); printf("Name: %s\n",temp->sd.name); printf("Port: %d\n",temp->sd.port); printf("Status: %d\n",temp->sd.status); printf("Base: %x\n",temp->sd.switchbase); printf("Control: %d\n",temp->sd.control); printf("Counter: %d\n",temp->sd.counter); printf("Stateposition: %d\n",temp->sd.stateposition); printf("Timeout: %d\n",temp->sd.timeout); printf("maxsecs: %d\n",temp->sd.maxsecs); temp = temp->next; } } readconfig() { FILE *in; int x,y,z; int mode; int lastmode; int housemode; int unitmode; int times; char line[2000]; char token[256]; char value[256]; char s[256]; struct switchdata sd; struct X10data x10d; struct motordata md; switches = NULL; x10eq = NULL; initswitch(&sd); motorinit(&md); lastmode = 0; mode=0; housemode=-1; unitmode = -1; times=0; for(z=0;z<17;z++) for(y=0;y<17;y++) { x10init(&X10mods[z][y]); if(z == 0) X10mods[z][y].stateposition = y+1; } in = fopen("lampserver.cfg","r"); if(in == NULL) { printf("The lampserver.cfg file does not exist. Create one.\n"); exit(1); } while (!feof(in)) { // read a line from the config file. line[0] = 0; fgets(line, 1990, in); line[1990] = 0; // printf("Line: %s\n",line); // parse the line for a comment ; and null the rest of the line. x = strlen(line); for(z=0;zsd.name,name) == 0) return(&temp->sd); temp = temp->next; } return(NULL); } /* checktimeouts() This function searches through all linked lists, checks all switches that have timeouts, and toggles them off if the time has exceeded the max. */ int checktimeouts(struct rccardata *rccar) { int x,y,z; char s[256]; struct sdlink *temp; struct switchdata *temp2; // first switches //printf("In checktimeouts.\n"); deletebans(); temp = switches; //printf("temp: %d\n",temp); while(temp != NULL) { // printf("temp: %d status: %d time: %d counter: %d\n",temp,temp->sd.status,time(NULL), temp->sd.counter); if(temp->sd.status && time(NULL) > 3*60+temp->sd.counter) { // printf("Got here.\n"); temp2 = &(temp->sd); lampoff(temp2,getstatevar(temp->sd.switchbase)); } temp = temp->next; } if(rccar->wq != NULL) { printf("There's a host on the queue. Checking.\n"); if(rccar->lock) { printf("Car is locked. exp: %d time: %d\n",rccar->lockexp, time(NULL)); if(rccar->lockexp < time(NULL) || rccar->heartbeat < time(NULL)-60) { // dequeue if expired or idle for more than 60s. rccarwaitdequeue(rccar); } } else { printf("Dequeueing.\n"); rccarwaitdequeue(rccar); } } if(rccar->lock) { printf("Car is locked. exp: %d time: %d\n",rccar->lockexp, time(NULL)); if(rccar->lockexp < time(NULL) || rccar->heartbeat < time(NULL)-60) { // dequeue if expired or idle for more than 60s. rccarwaitdequeue(rccar); } } //printf("Leaving checktimeouts.\n"); } // This function is called at midnight once a day to reset all timeused // variables. int resettimes() { int x,y,z; struct sdlink *temp; printf("In resettimes.\n"); temp = switches; while(temp != NULL) { temp->sd.timeused = 0; temp = temp->next; } printf("Leaving resettimes.\n"); } /* computepower This function goes through the database and computes the daily power consumption and returns an integer representing wattseconds for the day. */ int computepower() { int x,y,z; int ws; // wattseconds float wh; // watthours float f; struct sdlink *temp; ws = 0; temp = switches; while(temp != NULL) { z = (temp->sd.timeused * temp->sd.watts); ws = ws + z; temp = temp->next; } for(z=0;z<17;z++) for(y=0;y<17;y++) { x = X10mods[z][y].timeused * X10mods[z][y].watts; ws = ws + x; } return(ws); } getSTATE(char *s, int insanity, int *compstate, int strike) { int x,y,z; int secondsleft; char tt[100]; long lt; struct tm *tim; printf("In state procedure.\n"); s[12+17] = '2'; s[0] = (state & 1) + '0'; for(z=1;z<17;z++) { s[z] = X10mods[0][z].state + '0'; } for(z=0;z<20;z++) { s[z+17] = compstate[z] + '0'; } s[12+17] = '2'; /* lt = time(NULL); tim = localtime(<); if( !(tim->tm_hour >= 6 && tim->tm_hour <= 20) || sprinkseconds >= sprinklermax) s[12+17] = '2'; else s[12+17] = spstatus+'0'; /* secondsleft = sprinklermax - sprinkseconds; if(secondsleft < 0) */ secondsleft=0; s[37]=(secondsleft/60)/10 + '0'; s[38]=(secondsleft/60)%10 + '0'; s[39]=(secondsleft%60)/10 + '0'; s[40]=(secondsleft%60)%10 + '0'; sprintf(tt,"%d ",insanity); strcpy(&s[41],tt); sprintf(tt,"%d ",strike); strcat(s,tt); printf("s len= %d\n",strlen(s)); } waitqueuelist(char *buf, struct waitqueue *wq) { int x,y,z; int secs; struct waitqueue *temp; char s[80]; temp = wq; x = 1; while(temp != NULL) { secs = time(NULL) - temp->lastupdate; sprintf(s,"(%-3d): host: %-16.16s Last update: %d seconds\n",x,temp->host,secs); strcat(buf,s); temp = temp->next; x++; } } /* waitqueuestat This function takes a waitqueue pointer and a host, computes how long that host will probably have to wait and returns a string formatted: timeleft, number of users ahead in the queue, */ waitqueuestat(char *buf, struct waitqueue *wq, int timeleft, char *host) { int x,y,z; struct waitqueue *temp; z = timeleft; x = 0; temp = wq; while(temp != NULL) { if(strcmp(temp->host,host) == 0) { sprintf(buf,"%d %d",z,x); temp->lastupdate = time(NULL); return(0); } x++; if(temp->lastupdate > time(NULL) - 60) z = z + 5*60; temp = temp->next; } return(1); } int rccarlock(struct rccardata *rccar, char *host) { rccarwaitenqueue(host,rccar); return(1); } main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int sock; int length; struct sockaddr_in server; struct sockaddr_in client; int msgsock; char buf[1024]; char s[20000],t[1024]; int x,y,z; int rval; int i; time_t lt; struct tm *tim; struct tm *lasttim; FILE *output; int size; int lasthour; char name[20], command[20], value[20], host[20]; int lastcontact; /* stores the last contact tapped */ int currentstep; /* What is the current step; for bounding */ struct motordata officerotor; // data for the office cam rotor struct rccardata rccar; // data for the rccar struct switchdata officesd; struct switchdata *sd; struct switchdata sprinksd; long counter; /* Lamp time counter */ long wcounter; /* Wheel time counter */ long spcounter; int status; /* Lamp status */ int wstatus; /* Wheel status */ int spstatus; int lastms; /* motion sensor tracking */ long sprinkseconds; /* number of seconds sprinkler has run today */ long sprinklermax; /* max # of seconds to run the sprinkler each day */ long starttime; /* time server was started at, for tracking sprinkler */ long lasttime; /* last time checked */ long currenttime; /* time right now */ long timetmp; int insanity; /* the insanity value */ int inslamp; /* insanity increase when a lamp is turned on. */ int inssub; /* insanity value to decrease each 10 seconds */ long insanitytime; int shutdownmarker; int compstate[20]; long compchecktime; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; int retval; unsigned char *address_holder; signal(SIGCHLD,child_handler); signal(SIGPIPE,pipecleaner); lasthour = 0; insanity = 0; inslamp = 5; inssub = 10; lastms = 1; bans = NULL; shutdownmarker = 0; starttime = time(NULL); insanitytime=starttime; sprinklermax = 30*60; /* 15 minutes per day max */ sprinkseconds = sprinklermax; compchecktime=0; for(z=0;z<20;z++) compstate[z] = 0; for(z=0;z<17;z++) for(y=0;y<17;y++) { X10mods[z][y].state = 0; X10mods[z][y].limit = 0; X10mods[z][y].control = 1; } printf("about to read.\n"); readconfig(); printf("Done reading.\n"); printconfig(); status=0; wstatus=0; spstatus=0; state=0; state2=0; currentstep=25; lastcontact=-1; initswitch(&officesd); officesd.port = 0; initswitch(&sprinksd); sprinksd.port=5; sprinksd.startstatus = 0; sprinksd.times[0] = 6*60; sprinksd.times[1] = 19*60; sprinksd.maxsecs = 30*60; officerotor.currentstep=25; officerotor.lastcontact = -1; officerotor.sequence[0] = 4; officerotor.sequence[1] = 8; officerotor.sequence[2] = 2; officerotor.sequence[3] = 16; officerotor.numsequence = 4; officerotor.motorbase = base; rccar.commonport=16; rccar.forwardport=2; rccar.backwardport=1; rccar.leftport = 8; rccar.rightport = 4; rccar.carbase = base2; rccar.nudgef = VERYSLOW; rccar.nudgeb = SLOW; rccar.pushf = MEDIUM; rccar.pushb = FAST; rccar.wstatus = 0; rccar.wcounter = 0; rccar.eq = NULL; rccar.wq = NULL; rccar.lock = 0; rccar.lockexp = 0; sock = sockinit(listenport); do { timetmp = time(NULL); tim = localtime(&timetmp); msgsock = getconnection(sock); if(msgsock > -1) { strcpy(s,""); rval = getcommand(msgsock, buf,name,command,value,host); printf("Command: %s %s %s %s\n",name, command,value,host); if(rval == -1) continue; if(strcmp(buf,"ADDBIGINS") == 0) { printf("Adding insanity.\n"); insanity = insanity + inslamp*10; } if(strcmp(buf,"ADDINS") == 0) { printf("Adding insanity.\n"); insanity = insanity + inslamp*3; } if(strcmp(buf,"INSRESET") == 0) { printf("Restting insanity level.\n"); insanity=0; } if(strcmp(buf,"SPRESET") == 0) { printf("Restting sprinkler timer.\n"); sprinkseconds=0; } if(strcmp(buf,"SPCLEAR") == 0) { printf("Restting sprinkler timer.\n"); sprinkseconds=60*30; } if(strcmp(buf,"SHUTDOWN") == 0) { shutdownmarker = 1; } /* The next commands are for backwards compatibility until all features and cgi scripts are updated. */ if(strcmp(buf,"SPON") == 0) { if( (tim->tm_hour >= 6 && tim->tm_hour <= 20) && sprinkseconds < sprinklermax) // lampon(5,&spstatus, &spcounter, &state, &insanity,inslamp); lampon(&sprinksd,getstatevar(sprinksd.switchbase), &insanity,inslamp); } if(strcmp(buf,"SPOFF") == 0) { /* Turn Sprinkler off */ lampoff(&sprinksd,getstatevar(sprinksd.switchbase)); sprinkseconds += time(NULL) - spcounter; } if(strcmp(buf,"ON") == 0) { lampon(&officesd, getstatevar(officesd.switchbase), &insanity,inslamp); getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,0); } if(strncmp(buf,"X10ON",5) == 0) { x10enqueue(buf,host); // x10lampon(buf,&insanity,inslamp); getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,0); } if(strncmp(buf,"X10OF",5) == 0) { x10enqueue(buf,host); // x10lampoff(buf); getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,0); } if(strcmp(buf,"OFF") == 0) { /* Turn it off, for GOD'S SAKE, turn it OFF!! */ lampoff(&officesd, getstatevar(officesd.switchbase)); getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,0); } if(strcmp(buf,"LEFT1") == 0) { pan(1,&officerotor,&state,0); getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,0); } if(strcmp(buf,"RIGHT1") == 0) { pan(0,&officerotor,&state,0); getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,0); } if(strcmp(buf,"CALI") == 0) { printf("Beginning calibration.\n"); for(y=0;y<70;y++) { pan(0,&officerotor,&state,1); usleep(100000); } officerotor.currentstep=0; for(y=0;y<25;y++) { pan(1,&officerotor,&state,1); usleep(100000); } } /* Get the last motion sensor tripped */ if(strcmp(buf,"LASTMS") == 0) { s[0] = lastms + '0'; s[1] = 0; } /* This is part of the new routines, just add it later. */ if(strcmp(name,"RCCAR") == 0) { int strike; if(strcmp(command,"NUDGEF") == 0) { //power(0,1,&rccar, &state2); strike = rccarenqueue(0,0,1,host, &rccar); } if(strcmp(command,"PUSHF") == 0) { //power(1,1,&rccar, &state2); strike = rccarenqueue(0,1,1,host, &rccar); } if(strcmp(command,"NUDGEB") == 0) { //power(0,0,&rccar, &state2); strike = rccarenqueue(0,0,0,host, &rccar); } if(strcmp(command,"PUSHB") == 0) { //power(1,0,&rccar, &state2); strike = rccarenqueue(0,1,0,host, &rccar); } if(strcmp(command,"TURNLEFT") == 0) { //turn(1,&rccar,&state2); strike = rccarenqueue(1,0,1,host,&rccar); /* Turn Left */ } if(strcmp(command,"TURNRIGHT") == 0) { //turn(2,&rccar,&state2); strike = rccarenqueue(1,0,2,host,&rccar); /* Turn Right */ } if(strcmp(command,"CENTER") == 0) { /* Center wheels */ //turn(0,&rccar,&state2); strike = rccarenqueue(1,0,0,host,&rccar); } if(strcmp(command,"UPLEFT") == 0) strike = rccarenqueue(2,0,5,host, &rccar); if(strcmp(command,"UPRIGHT") == 0) strike = rccarenqueue(2,0,6,host, &rccar); if(strcmp(command,"DOWNLEFT") == 0) strike = rccarenqueue(2,0,1,host, &rccar); if(strcmp(command,"DOWNRIGHT") == 0) strike = rccarenqueue(2,0,2,host, &rccar); if(strcmp(command,"LOCK") == 0) { printf("Locking the RC car for %s\n",host); strike = rccarwaitenqueue(host,&rccar); } if(strcmp(command,"WAITQUEUE") == 0) { printf("Getting wait queue for %s\n",host); strike = waitqueuestat(s,rccar.wq,rccar.lockexp - time(NULL), host); printf("Got it: .%s.\n",s); if(strike) { if(rccar.lock && strcmp(rccar.lockhost,host) == 0) sprintf(s,"%d -1",rccar.lockexp - time(NULL)); else sprintf(s,"-1 -1"); } } else if(strcmp(command,"GETWQLIST") == 0) { if(rccar.lock) { sprintf(s,"(%-3d): host: %-16.16s Last update: %d seconds\n",0,rccar.lockhost,time(NULL) - rccar.heartbeat); waitqueuelist(s,rccar.wq); } else { sprintf(s,"\n"); } } else { printf("Getting state. Strike = %d\n",strike); getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,strike); } } /* Now for the new routines */ sd = searchswitch(name); if(sd != NULL) { if(strcmp(command,"ON") == 0) lampon(sd,getstatevar(sd->switchbase),&insanity,inslamp); if(strcmp(command,"OFF") == 0) lampoff(sd,getstatevar(sd->switchbase)); getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,0); } if(strcmp(buf,"SILENTSTATE") == 0) { getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,2); } if(strcmp(buf,"TIMERESET") == 0) { resettimes(); } if(strcmp(buf,"STATE") == 0) { getSTATE(s, insanity, compstate,0); /* int secondsleft; char tt[100]; printf("In state procedure.\n"); s[0] = (state & 1) + '0'; for(z=1;z<17;z++) { s[z] = X10mods[0][z].state + '0'; } for(z=0;z<20;z++) { s[z+17] = compstate[z] + '0'; } lt = time(NULL); tim = localtime(<); if( !(tim->tm_hour >= 6 && tim->tm_hour <= 20) || sprinkseconds >= sprinklermax) s[12+17] = '2'; else s[12+17] = spstatus+'0'; secondsleft = sprinklermax - sprinkseconds; if(secondsleft < 0) secondsleft=0; s[37]=(secondsleft/60)/10 + '0'; s[38]=(secondsleft/60)%10 + '0'; s[39]=(secondsleft%60)/10 + '0'; s[40]=(secondsleft%60)%10 + '0'; sprintf(tt,"%d",insanity); strcpy(&s[41],tt); printf("s len= %d\n",strlen(s)); */ } printf("About to write.\n"); if(write(msgsock, s, strlen(s)) == -1) perror("Writting on stream socket "); printf("Done writing. about to close.\n"); close(msgsock); } /* This next part is temporary. For now, it will dequeue one entry from the rccar queue and execute it, then return to the loop. This will eventually be handled by a separate thread. */ if(shutdownmarker) { close(sock); exit(0); } rccardequeue(&rccar); x10dequeue(&insanity, inslamp); /* This next part will turn off the lamp automatically after it has been on for 3 minutes straight, to avoid leaving it on all night long. */ checktimeouts(&rccar); // the old lamp code: if(status && time(NULL) > 3*60+counter) { lampoff(&officesd,getstatevar(officesd.switchbase)); } if(time(NULL) - insanitytime >= 10) { insanity = insanity - inssub; insanitytime = time(NULL); if(insanity < 0) insanity=0; } if(spstatus && time(NULL) > 30+spcounter) { lampoff(&sprinksd,getstatevar(sprinksd.switchbase)); sprinkseconds += time(NULL) - spcounter; } /* turn off all the X10 lamps after specified time periods */ for(z=0;z<16;z++) { for(y=0;y<17;y++) { if(X10mods[z][y].control && X10mods[z][y].state && time(NULL) > X10mods[z][y].limit*60+X10mods[z][y].counter) { x10lampoff2(z,y); /* sprintf(s,"/home/pjm/br %c%d off",z+'A',z); system(s); X10mods[z][y].state = 0; */ } } } /* once per minute, do a pingtest of all the computers and update the compstate array */ if(time(NULL) > compchecktime+60) { int xxx5; for(xxx5=0;xxx5 < 10; xxx5++) compstate[xxx5] = 1; /* compstate[0] = pingtest("spaz"); compstate[1] = pingtest("inferno"); compstate[2] = pingtest("node5"); compstate[3] = pingtest("phat"); compstate[4] = pingtest("node3"); compstate[5] = pingtest("freedom"); compstate[6] = pingtest("doorbell"); compstate[7] = 1; compstate[8] = pingtest("node4"); compstate[9] = pingtest("oister"); */ compstate[10] = 0; compstate[11] = 0; compchecktime = time(NULL); } /* This next part will center the wheels after they have been turned for 5 minutes straight, to avoid running down the transmitter battery. */ if(rccar.wstatus && time(NULL) > 5*60+rccar.wcounter) { turn(0,&rccar,&state2); } } while (1); } int pingtest(char *host) { int x,y,z; char s[1024]; sprintf(s,"ping -c 1 %s",host); x = system(s); if(x) { return(0); } else { return(1); } }