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January 26, 2004 16:06
First of all, I replaced the hallway and living room lamps with tiny versions.
These lamps cost about $4 at wallmart and use bulbs in the 4-7 watt range.
The primary reason for doing this is that my roommates have a habit of
physically turning off the normal lamps for a variety of reasons and that
results in lamps that are listed on the page but do not function. This
then creates confusion, accusations, etc. So I just decided to replace the
lamps with mini versions that are unlikely to be annoying enough to justify
turning off. Of course, I've been told that they're ugly, but I'm sure if I
search long enough I can find a suitable replacement that fits the decor.
This cool valentines bear plays a little tune and covorts around and the guitar
lights up when you press a button. Well, at least it DID before I did a bit
of minor surgery in my efforts to get him internet controlled. In the near
future (hopefully today) you'll be able to activate him yourself.
The smiley face is simply one of those push lights encapsulated with a rubber
foam smiley face thingy. Nothing particularly special about this light. Just
another cool looking thing to hook up. Both the smiley face and the bear can
be controlled with a single transistor, which means I can control them from
the parallel port without any additional hardware (no x10, relays, or external
power supplies required). Although, I might eventually hardwire a DC power
supply for both of them instead of using batteries which will eventually