Generic Site FAQs

Owner Questions

Money related questions



Why isn't the picture changing/loading/reloading?

Where is the RC Car?

Over time I have had several RC Cars that were controllable from the webpage. Since they've all been modified toys, they tend to not hold up well and need to be replaced over time. I've since built a "critter" which is a mobile platform which isn't quite a car, isn't quite a tank, and isn't quite a robot, so for lack of a better term, I use "critter". Due to constant abuse, it's not currently working either.

Why can't ring your doorbell?

Where is all the other stuff that used to be on this site? And is it coming back?

Why does it say my message needs to be moderated?

Lamps and Other Devices


LED Matrix Sign

Why don't you just....

Help! The camera won't move.

Unrelated Questions that still deserve answers