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Day 2 of Cruising

April 28, 2015 10:03

We woke up the next morning and the bed was moving back and forth. Well, actually the floor, room and entire ship was rocking back and forth as well. Once we hit the open seas, it got pretty rough. We were on deck 3 and the waves were high enough that they occasionally submerged our window. It wasn't too bad down on deck 3 where our room was, but up on deck 14 where we went to eat breakfast at the Windjammer, we were pretty much walking on walls. First one wall, then a few seconds later, the other. After eating breakfast, we continued exploring the ship a bit. All of the pools were closed, as were most of the other activities. They also canceled all of the shows as the rocking of the ship made performing them unsafe.

Still, there were other things to do. The Cruise Critic meeting in the Music Hall still went on as planned and after getting some swag, we went on the cabin crawl to view the various cabins on the ship.

At some point, we returned to our stateroom. Viewing the current weather conditions, we discovered that the ship was being subjected to 60+ mph winds, with gusts over 80mph. Well... at least that explains the rocking. We also got a letter from the cruise director which apoligized for the unsatisfactory boarding process the day before. Worked well for us personally, but for others it took many hours to get boarded. As a result, they were giving us a $300 onboard credit plus vouchers worth 25% of the current cruise toward another cruise that we booked within the next year. So other than the rough seas, we're doing pretty well this trip.

That night, we eat at Silk and since all of the shows we were scheduled for had been canceled, we returned to our stateroom and found a towel critter waiting for us on the bed.
