Some people have links to additional pictures. Click on someone's pic to get
an additional page. Not everybody has additional pictures yet. If you catch a picture
that you like of someone, mail it to [email protected] and I'll add it to that person's gallery.
If you wish, send me a picture of you along with a homepage or cam link, and
I'll add it to the links page.
A notice to people with too much free time on their hands: You are not
permitted to harrass ANYONE listed on this page if they happen to be at my
house. This means no requesting they do something lewd on camera, and no
talking to them after they've told you to stop.
Name | Dirna |
Age | 28 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Taken |
Slideshow | Hover mouse over image |
Other Info |
Dirna has been a friend of mine since high school,
even though we didn't attend the same schools. We both went to the same
college afterwards though. More Pics
Name | Wesm |
Age | 22 |
Gender | Male |
Status | Taken |
Other Info |
Name | Cari |
Age | 25 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Taken |
Other Info |
Name | Matt |
Age | 18 |
Gender | Male |
Status | Unknown |
Other Info | Met him at 2600. Since then he makes a habit of
dropping by for 10-15 mins at a time, and sometimes brings girls over so I
keep letting him. :)
More Pics
Name | Cayla |
Age | 18 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Unknown |
Slideshow | Hover mouse over image |
Other Info | One of the gang from the monthly 2600 meetings, Matt
somehow managed to drag her over here. More Pics
Name | Megan |
Age | 18 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Taken |
Slideshow | Hover mouse over image |
Other Info |
Name | Tinkers |
Age | 18 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Single |
Slideshow | Hover mouse over image |
Other Info |
Name | Rachel |
Age | 18 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Single |
Slideshow | Hover mouse over image |
Other Info | Rachel got dragged over by Matt for assistance in the exciting project of assembling a binary counter. More Pics.
Name | Spazi |
Age | 20 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Married |
Webpage | |
Other Info | Possibly the only girl on this planet who is even remotely as geeky as I am. Met her at a 2600 meeting and a mere 48 hours later, in a quest for assistance in getting her pokemon toy hacked, as well as taking advantage of my superior bandwidth capabilities to pull down a Sparc flavor of Suse Linux, she ventured in front of the webcam, and promptly got stuck there.
More Pics
Name | Jamie |
Age | 27 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Unknown |
Slideshow | Hover mouse over image |
Other Info | One of my cousins. Hasn't visited in a few years.
Name | Julie |
Age | 22 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Unknown |
Slideshow | Hover mouse over image |
Other Info | Another of my cousins. Also hasn't visited in a few years.
Name | Tiffany |
Age | 18 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Taken |
Other Info | Tiffany is one of Jessica's friends. She's got a wedding date set already, but no ring. She likes playing games with guy's
heads. She's a twit. She's flighty. And she says I annoy her. I just can't
imagine that. :)
Name | Anabelle Bob |
Age | 7 |
Gender | Female |
Status | Fixed |
Other Info | This is my cat. Don't let the apparent
uncomfortable pose fool you. She really IS this mean. At least until you
get to know her. Then she's the friendliest furball you ever did see. But
one thing is for sure, you don't want to be another cat wandering into her
territory while she's outside. What defines her territory is up to her. I
mean, she is, afterall, a cat. :)
Name | The RC Car |
Age | 4 |
Gender | Neutral |
Status | Usually Broken |
Other Info | The RC Car. You can drive it by clicking on the
RC Car link on the main page. Mouseover the picture to get a slideshow
walkthrough of the house.