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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Stupid Hard Disk
August 31, 2002 12:57 The primary server crashed again last night, thanks to the borked hard drive. I'm holding out for an inexpensive opportunity to replace it. I just hope that it can too. Sorry for the inconvienence.
August 30, 2002 23:28 I should polish the rest of them off this weekend. Then no more DR Pepper. Yay! As for a daily rant, I don't really have one. And I'm too tired to come up with a good one. So here, the SIS305 chipset doesn't want work with XFree86 DAMMIT!!! There. Now I feel better. Googlesnak Time!
index thong jpg AGAIN! Slow day for the googlers. :)
August 30, 2002 09:00 No, I'm not talking about abusing 6 year olds, I'm talking about abuse FROM 6 year olds. As much abuse as they're capable of dishing out, that is. Remember back when a 6 year old will discover a new insult, such as... oh... "nerd" and proceed to razz some poor outcast with it. And since it seemed to have a negative effect on the victim's self esteem, that word was added to the list of insults to use frequently in the future Now fast forward to the future. It might be time to update that list. There are a large percentage of people these days that go out of their way to CALL themselves nerds. It's not only an insult, its a point of pride. You know that guy with the glasses, who spends all his time on the computer, has no social life, and is in his mid 20's. Guess what, that's probably EXACTLY what he wants. If you expect to get a rise out of him by calling him a nerd, you're horribly delusional. He's quite likely in fact to take it as a compliment and thank you for the kind comment. However, since you feel the need to cut someone down lower than you feel yourself, and that will be a significant challenge, you're going to have to do a lot of work. You're going to have to come up with an insult that has nothing whatsoever to do with their profession, hobbies, school, appearance, social life, propensity for study, or lack of interest in what the world thinks of them. The adult nerds of the world have long since realized that YOU are the real loser in this world and nothing deragatory you say will ever matter. You're really going to have to work at it if you expect to get even a momentary sting from your intended victim. Its going to require a lot of time. Time you're going to have to take away from.... well... I guess you have a lot of time on your hands or you wouldn't bother. You apparently don't have much of a life either. But at least the nerds are happy about it. :) More Google snacks:
thong jpg index More thongs.
August 29, 2002 01:58 Time runs short. 12 small cans remain, then the indefinite Dr Pepper fast begins. The challenge awaits me. And more google snacks.
Pedophile Pics Without fail
August 28, 2002 10:31 Yesterday I was linked to a really funny site. Basically, its the cronicles of someone's redneck neighbor who moves into a new neighborhood, and proceeds to make his house look like crap (in a very amusing way) and annoy the hell out of his neighbors, strange lawn ornaments, obnoxiously loud parties at 3 am, "testing" the lawnmower at midnight, etc. Then I started thinking things over. That could be me. Granted, I don't take anything to NEARLY that extreme. But I have trash in the bushes. There's old newspapers on my front porch. The fence is missing a lot of boards. Heck, I even have one of those plastic pools. At least I don't keep my neighbors up at night, but I can imagine that they might consider my place to be somewhat of an eyesore, even if I don't see it myself. I think maybe this weekend, I'll spend a good solid day just cleaning stuff up. I'd hate to inspire someone to make a website like that about me. :) I have approximately 15 Dr Peppers left, then I begin the Dr Pepper free lifestyle.
August 27, 2002 23:14 Its amazing how quickly things can fall apart. People will usually act mature in large groups as long as everyone else acts mature. When one person falls out of line, it depends on the community to correct the problem. Either get the one violator to conform to guidelines of decency, or leave. However, when the problem is left unresolved, it spreads. Quickly. Before you know it, the entire chatroom has turned into a warzone. People are trading death threats amongst other things. Sad, really sad. And it continues into the next day. Its not until I clear everyone out, and one at a time get people to quit acting like moronic idiots that things slowly get back to normal. I can see how a large chatroom, or especially large servers can quickly melt down and destroy the community based only on a few bad eggs. I wonder what will become of things if it REALLY gets popular. Scary. It was also brought to my attention that my dr pepper addiction was ingrained and that I would be unable to stop. Of course, like all other addicts would have you believe, I'm sure I can quit anytime. I mean, its something I LIKE.. not something I need. But its still an interesting concept. Quit Dr Pepper. In fact, quit soda's completely. Can it be done? Should it be? Well, far be it for me to ignore a challenge just because there's no point. So as soon as I've finished my current supply of Dr Pepper I will abstain from drinking any carbonated drinks for an indefinite period of time. And I'll update everyone as to my efforts in that regard. And because I'm doing this, someone else needs to not be insecure anymore. That's the deal. And in other news, more google snacks :)
joystick causes computer not to post Hmmm....
August 26, 2002 00:17 I finally spent some time on Jeeves and I've got his functionality fully converted to the new system, and I'm going to slowly remove the old code once I'm sure none of it is in use anymore. Of course, there's still some parsing traps, but now that the primary bug has been squashed, he should continue to grow. The current focus is on the recursive knowledge tree. And some more google snacks:
funny websites Uhhhhhh
August 23, 2002 23:27 Of course, we don't really know what it is yet. We just came up with the word, typoed by our good friend X10N, then changed into the present participle form. However, we feel that it best fits the phrase "hack racing". Of course, this is equally meaningless, but it's more than enough to spawn a dotcom from and demand 7+ figures of venture capital. Well, 3 years ago maybe. Too bad the .com domain for it is taken, but there will be other typos, and other newfound unrealized internet crazes that must be taken up. And more google snacks:
Showtime AND X10 AND download No idea.
August 23, 2002 20:03 There's a possible hard drive failure imminent. I was forced to reboot the primary server just to get it to read the drive. Its reading it once again, so for now things are safe, but I'm planning to move all critical files off that drive, back up everything else, and generally warn people to quit using it. I was hoping I wouldn't lose any drives, as I wanted to do a swap into another machine, but the drives are getting old, and these things do happen. I'm home for the weekend, and I plan to do some housekeeping, get the drives cleaned off, maybe do some project work, mow the yard, etc.
August 22, 2002 02:36
doorbell More doorbells